About us / Organization

How are we organized?

help2kids is a registered charity in Switzerland and Germany.

help2kids was founded on 12 June 2009 in Zug, Switzerland, and accordingly registered as a charity in the Swiss commercial registry (register number: CHE-114.921.390). On 28 December 2015 help2kids Germany e.V. was founded and registered in the respective register for associations in Germany (register number:  5482). help2kids is officially recognized as a charitable organization in Switzerland and Germany.

The Board of the help2kids association in Switzerland is comprised of five members: a President, and four other Board Members. Additionally, a Competence Team actively supports the Board. The operational management is performed by the President of the Board. All other Board Members act in an unpaid volunteer capacity.

help2kids Switzerland Articles of Association (Download PDF)
help2kids Switzerland Commercial Register (Download PDF)
help2kids Switzerland Tax Exemption (Download PDF)
help2kids Germany e.V. government decision charitable status (register number 5482) (Download PDF)
help2kids Tanzania Certificate of Registration (Download PDF)
help2kids is recognized as a non-profit charity organization as of November 12th, 2020 and therefore tax-exempt in Tanzania (Download PDF)

Code of Conduct

Our help2kids Code of Conduct lays out clear guidelines for all employees and members of the Board. We are all equally bound by this Code. The Code of Conduct is an important part of our corporate culture that we live every day and, by so doing, we strengthen it. help2 Code of Conduct (Download PDF)

Board of Association

The help2kids board of association is comprised of specialists in marketing, management, healthcare, and finance.

help2kids is a politically and religiously independent association. Our primary objective is to improve the living conditions of children in Africa. The board is comprised of the following five members:

Frank Hakenjos, President and Founder

Swiss Certified Head of Communication IAA

Swiss Certified Hotelier HF

Ralf Weissbaum, Member of the Board CEO of Staffel Medien AG, Switzerland

Maria Hakenjos, Member of the Board
Swiss Certified Care Professional, HF

Guido Zumbühl, Member of the Board
Lic. oec. Lausanne, Switzerland

David Weller, Member of the Board
Social worker and educational referent

Daryoush Azizi Ashrafpour, Member of the Board

CO-Founder Nu Technology AG,

CO-Founder Quarero AG

Additionally in the Board of help2kids Germany e.V.:

David Weller, Country Manager
Social worker and educational referent