Nursery school / Nursery School

Children’s Day Care Centre

We run a local Day Care Centre at our help2kids Campus in Kunduchi, Kilongowima which serves the low-income fishing village community. We are teaching over 75 children who would otherwise not get any formal education in order to improve the conditions and quality of life in this vibrant community.

With a help2kids education sponsorship for a preschool child, you ensure the best possible preparation of the child for elementary school and at the same time allow the parents to focus on earning a living knowing that their children are well cared for.

Our Campus facility provides a safe and caring environment that has been designed and equipped to ensure our children can learn and grow according to their age and individual needs. Our team is focussed on creating a vibrant, happy, caring and stimulating environment that ensures the children’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development needs are met.


The children’s classes are focused on English, reading, writing, and mathematics as well as creative skills and physical development. While working in the class, the volunteers and local teacher encourage the children to behave well, and teach them a variety of social skills like sharing equipment, saying please and thank you, staying seated during class and participating in activities appropriately. 

Sponsor an education for a child in Tanzania now.

We provide the children at the Nursery School with porridge at mid-morning break time and for lunch we provide a nutritious meal. The volunteers also organise outdoor activities or arts and crafts for the children during break and lunch time. The school charges a small contribution fee but the majority of the costs including teaching materials, daily meals and paying teacher’s salaries are covered by help2kids.

Many of the families live from hand to mouth and work hard to provide for the basic needs of their family. Through our After Care facility, we provide the parents with the opportunity to work and have the peace of mind that their children are kept safe and being well looked after. After lunch the younger ones have a supervised nap whilst the older ones get a chance to let off steam. Later they all come together in a variety of fun activities including singing, dancing and group games.

As a help2kids volunteer, you can support the children in this help2kids project in Tanzania through a voluntary commitment. You can find more information about volunteering here.