New Puppies
This little critter somehow arrived on the front steps of our gate, either abandoned by someone, or having gotten lost, he was very weak and ill. We took him in to see the doggie doctor and found out that he is just a little baby, at 5 weeks, and that he had caught pneumonia. The volunteers helped out to give him the necessary medicine and to feed him 4 times a day… Also he got lots of love of course, and we wonder at this level of adorableness if we should change our name to help2puppies?
We have some new residents living with us at our children’s home. Little rabbits have come to live in the children’s home, named Frank and Christian by the children, they are enjoying a life of luxury in this cage build by Masia (the help2kids gardener). Volunteer Andreas, and of course the children were there to help every step of the way too. The cage was so appealing that even the house turtle Kobe has come to live in the cage with the rabbits. Now of course we will need a schedule to keep the cage clean and our little rabbit well fed with carrots and spinach.
Our project in Kunduchi just keeps getting better! More volunteers are being sent out there and the village is really showing their appreciation of our time spent with their children. We’ve doubled the amount of children that are showing up for class, and therefore we have begun to build a second classroom, right beside the classroom we had already built. We also noticed that the children often looked tired and had problems to focus during the mornings. So we started preparing a little breakfast and we hope that helps them to learn better.
The thanks that help2kids has for our big van, donated by African Greenland is just endless, as not only has it allowed for easier and cheaper shopping solutions, but the kids get to go see and play at the beach not far for our house. This gives the children a great opportunity to get out of the house and experience their own neighbourhood and interact with all the other local children at the beach. A wonderful life our kids are getting access to thanks to the great work of volunteers and support from foreign organizations.
Abercrombie and Fitch have landed! This donation of clothing from someone from Switzerland has come in and not only our children but our staff are looking sharp. Dar es Salaam fasionistas beware, the help2kids children’s home is all dressed up. Also we received a very kind donation of soccer jerseys and other soccer equipment. The boys love it!
This is Lauren, not only does she run The Friendly Gecko Guesthouse, but also helps all the volunteers to adjust to their new home. She is from Canada and has worked in the northern parts of Tanzania with Masaai women’s groups and in village outreach. Her previous work was in partnership with The University of Western Ontario and the government of Canada. Before this she had worked in community development within her local community, participating in capacity building programs with young women at-risk in her hometown. She began working with help2kids back in March 2012 and loves both the organization, and also working, living, and playing in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Thinking of volunteering with help2kids? Give Lauren a call to talk about possible placement experiences you can do within our organization (+255 686 93 87 24). Lauren takes volunteer phone calls on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons between 2-5pm, use a website like world clock to find out what time it is for you:
Have a nice week and talk to you soon!
Volunteer Coordinator help2kids